![]() Jet recording device
An ink jet printer control circuit is disclosed in which provision is made for production of drop clock signal pulses for application to the electromechanical drop stimulation transducer of the printer (10). Print enable pulses (60) are provided by a state controller means to the driver (54) of a charge electrode (26) of the printer (10) so as to permit selective charging of drops produced by the jet drop stream (20). An edge detector means responsive to the leading edge of each pulse in the drop clock signal pulse train provides an edge detection pulse. Additionally, an encoder arrangement provides a train of synchronization pulses (124), each such pulse signifying an increment of movement of the print receiving medium (22). The state controller means responds to the edge detection pulses and to the synchronization pulses and provides a print enable pulse (60) upon receipt of an edge detection pulse next following receipt of a synchronization pulse. The state controller means includes three flip-flops which are sequentially actuated so that a print enable pulse is provided only after receipt of at least two edge detection pulses prior to each synchronization pulse. 公开号:SU1205788A3 申请号:SU833599269 申请日:1983-06-03 公开日:1986-01-15 发明作者:С.Параньпе Суреш;Баин Мак Джонсон Роберт 申请人:Дзе Мэд Корпорейшн (Фирма); IPC主号:
the first element 2I is connected to the forward output of the third ‑ trigger, the first input of the second element 2I is connected to the forward output of the second JK-trigger, inverse output of the third Z-flip-flop is connected to the first installation input of the fourth K-trigger, the output of the 4I element is NOT connected to the K-input of the first 5K trigger and the second ifR through the first element -trigger, the output of the first element 2I is connected to the J input of the first JHv trigger and to the R input of the third Z-trigger, output, second Z-flip-flop is connected to the K, -input of the second Z-flip-flop and to-input of the third JK.-flip-flop, clock inputs of the first, second and third IfK-flip-flops are the fifth block input, the 3rd input of the fourth JK flip-flop is the second block input, the second element input is NOT the fourth block input, the second element output is NOT connected to the clock input of the fourth LC-trigger, the second installation input of which. The invention relates to recording information on a movable medium and can be used to output data from electronic computers. The purpose of the invention is to improve the quality of registration by reducing errors in determining the moment of application of the charging electrode excitation signals. FIG. 1,2ai 26 is presented. functional diagram of the device; in fig. 3 - time diagrams of the signals that explain his work. In the drawings, the print head 1, charging electrodes 2, carrier transport mechanism 3, sensor 4, carrier presence, shift registers 5, elements AND 6, crystal oscillator 7, step voltage generator 8 switches 9, frequency divider 10, front detector 11, tachometer 12, control unit 13, first to quarter K triggers. 14-17, s oh is connected to the output of the third element NOT, the input of the third element is NOT, and the K input of the fourth one of the trigger is connected to the zero potential bus, the direct output of the second Y trigger is the output of the block. 3. The device according to claim 1,0 tl and h ay, so that the front detector contains two triggers, element 2I and the element NOT, the sync inputs B triggers are the first input of the detector, D is the input the first 1) trigger is the second input of the detector, the direct output of the first II trigger is connected to the D input of the second II trigger and to the first input of element 2I, the second input of element 2I is connected to the inverse output of the second A trigger, the first installation inputs B - triggers are combined, the output of the element is NOT connected to the second installation inputs of J1-flip-flops, the input element NOT is connected to the bus zero potential, an output of 2W is output detector. the first to the third elements are NOT 18-20, the first and the second are 2I 21 and 22, the 4I-NOT 23 elements, the first and second D are triggers 24 and 25, the 2I element 26, the HE element 27, counters 28 and 29, the K-trigger 30, elements HE 31-34, amplifiers 35-38, electromechanical exciter 39, output 40 of control unit 13, collector 41, reservoir 42, diaphragm 43 with hole 44, carrier 45, collector 46, electrode 47, voltage sources 48 and 49, trap body 50, porous plates 51 and 52, suction chambers 53 and 54, output 55 of amplifier 36. Inkjet recording device operates as follows. The generator 7 generates electrical signals of a constant frequency, which are fed to the input of the divider 10, which produces from them the clocking pulses of the droplets fed through the amplifier 38 to the electromechanical exciter 39 of the printing 3.Headheads 1. The control unit 13 generates print resolution pulses arriving at one of the inputs of element 6 only after receiving at least two edge detection pulses produced by detector 11, as a result of which the series of print resolution signal pulses There is no more than one third of the frequency of the pulses clocking the droplets, so that at least two protective drops can be created between successive printing drops created by the print head 1. Exposure of the charging electrodes 2 of the furnaces head 1 is carried out by signals taken from the outputs of the switches 9, controlled by elements 6, the state of which, in turn, 7 is determined by the signals arriving at their inputs from the outputs of registers 5 and control unit 13. The generator is a 8-step function and registers The 5 shifts are controlled by the signals supplied to their inputs from the tachometer 12 through the amplifier 37. In the absence of print resolution signals, the charging electrodes 2 use the switches 9 to provide the direction of the protective caps formed at that time. l in 46 kapleulovi- Tel. Droplet deflection means, including electrode 47, drip catcher 46, and voltage sources 48 and 49, create an electrostatic field through which droplets formed as a result of dye passing through reservoir 42 pass through opening 44 in diaphragm 43 under the influence of of an electromechanical driver 39. The electrostatic field deflects the droplets depending on the electrical charges that the charging electrodes 2 give them, as a result of which the droplets are directed either to the appropriate place in the carrier 45 or to a drop Leuler 46. The drip droplet 46 comprises a body 50, which together with the porous plate 51 forms the suction chamber 53. The dye accumulating in the catcher 46 is removed with a suction device (not shown). The electrode 47, together with the porous plate 52, also forms the suction chamber 54, from which the colorant collected therein05788L The hoist is also removed by suction with a GM device. In this device, pulses are applied to the electromechanical exciter 39 at the frequency optimal for it synchronously with the print resolution pulses, with the result that the signals arriving at the charging electrodes 2 are aligned in time with the succession of droplets formed. However, the print resolution pulses are applied only after the next pulse appears at the output of the tachometer 12 after the carrier 45 has moved by mechanism 3. As a result, the droplets are placed on the carrier 45. The electromechanical driver 39 is excited at a sufficiently high frequency, as a result of which between two successive print resolution pulses can be thrown by. at least two extra drops, which are protective. When stimulation of droplets with a frequency of a little more than three times higher than the frequency; —the following of the print resolution pulses, the separation of three protective drops between successive printed drops can be ensured at certain points in time, resulting in the device compensates for fluctuations in the speed of movement of the carrier 45. 5 The generator 7 generates high-frequency oscillations, which are converted by the divider 10 into droplet-clock pulses, transmitted through the amplifier 38 to the electromechanical 0. To the exciter 39 of the printhead 1. The generator 7 and the divider 10 are selected so that the frequency of the pulses of clocking droplets was equal to the optimal operating frequency 5 of the driver 39. In addition, the output signals of the generator 7 are used as clocking signals for various units of the device. 0 Signals from generator 7, which are fed to divider 10, are fed to series-connected counters 28 and 29, which provide pulses with a reduced frequency to 5 to the trigger 30, from the output of which the pulses are clocked to the input of the detector 11 of the front and through the amplifier 37 - to excite0 39. In addition, the signals at the output of the trigger 30 are used to reload the preset counters 28 and 29. The front detector 11 responds to the clocking pulses of the droplets arriving at the output of the divider 10, and imparts a pulse to detect the front to the third input of the control unit 13 when the leading edge of each droplet clocking pulse appears. Detector 11 contains two X) triggers 24 and 25, the outputs of which are connected to the inputs of element 2I 26. Clocking triggers 24 and 25 is carried out by pulses coming to the first input of detector 11 from generator 7 through amplifier 35, having a frequency significantly higher than the frequency of the clocking droplet signal from the output of the divider 10 through the second input of the detector 11 to the trigger 24. As a result, when a pulse is applied to the D input. trigger 24, its clocking is much faster, and a high level appears at its Q-output. Since at this moment a high level is also present at the Q-output of the trigger 25, the output of element 2I 26 forms a high-level output signal from the output of detector 11 to the third input of control unit 13, indicating the detection of the leading edge of a pulse in a series of droplet clock pulses. When the next pulse arrives at the clock inputs of the triggers 24 and 25, the signal at the output of the detector 11 disappears. Thus, the pulse duration at the third input of control unit 13 is equal to the time period between successive pulses of the generator 1, regardless of the duration of the droplet clock pulse. The control unit 13 causes print resolution pulses only after receiving signals about the movement of carriers 45, made by tachometer 12 through amplifier 36 to the second input of control unit 13. At the same time, the channel for transmitting excitation signals of charging electrodes by 2 signals from registers 5 opens only the time of formation of every third drop and, therefore, between the next one to Q 5 „ five 0 after the other printed drops, at least two protective drops are formed. When synchronization signals and front detection pulses are received in the control unit 13, the K-triggers 14,15 and 16 are sequentially activated. With repeated changes of state, the trigger 15 gives a print resolution pulse to the output 40 of the control unit 13. A necessary condition for the formation of the print resolution signal by the control unit 13 is also the presence at the printing position of the carrier 45, monitored by a sensor, which is fed through the amplifier 37 according to The current signal to the first input of the control unit 13. The triggers 14, 15 and 16 are connected in such a way that, when the required conditions that allow the signals to pass through the elements 21 - 23, are met, the pulses arriving at the fifth input of the control unit 13 are sequentially installed by the triggers 14- 16 GB unit. The high level signal from the direct output of the trigger 15 is applied to the output 40 of the block 13 and to one of the inputs of the element 2I 22, and when the next edge detection pulse is applied to the third input of the block 13, the signal level at the input K of the trigger 15 becomes equal to unit, as a result of which the trigger 15 is set to zero, and the trigger 16 is set to one, and the installation of the triggers occurs after the arrival of a clock pulse to the fifth input of the control unit 13. The signal from the direct output of the trigger 16 opens element 2I 21, with the result that detecting front its front of the next clocking signal drops trigger 16 to zero, and trigger 14 to one. It is important to note that the sequential activation of the flip-flops 16 and 14 takes place regardless of whether a synchronizing pulse is received from the tachometer 12. Trigger 14 remains in the same primary state, and triggers 15 and 16 are at zero until all inputs of element 4I-NOT 23 will not be high. This occurs after block 13 receives a front detection pulse from detector 11 and a signal from the output of trigger 17, which means that during the previous print resolution pulse, a synchronizing pulse from the tachometer 12 was applied to the second input of the block 13, which arrived at the 1 input of the trigger 17. While the trigger 16 was set to one, the negative signal from its inverse output kept the trigger 17 at zero condition; as a result, only a synchronizing pulse that can be received later can give c. the result is a high level signal at the output of the trigger 17, necessary for unlocking element 4I-NOT 23.When there is a carrier 45, a high level signal is present at the printing position at the first input of control unit 13. In this case, when element 4I-HE .23 comes; the next pulse of detection of the front, at its output there is a low level, which after the passage of the element HE 18 sets the trigger 15 to one, and the trigger 14 - to zero, thereby creating the leading edge of the print resolution pulse. This pulse lasts until the next pulse, coming from detector 11, sets trigger 15 to zero. As can be seen from the timing diagram (FIG. 3), droplets are formed continuously with the frequency of the signals at the output of the divider 10, the printed droplet being formed by the largest of every third droplet, and the intermediate droplets are protective. However, since the frequency of the droplet following exceeds the pulse frequency .in the resolution of printing a little more than three times, in some cases, three protective drops are formed between successive printing drops. Thanks to this organization, it is possible to ensure that printed drops are created in a good sy synchronization with the movement of the carrier 45, while providing the possibility of continuous operation of the electromechanical exciter 39 with the calculated optimal frequency and formations of at least two protective drops between successive printing drops to reduce unwanted cross-coupling between drops. If only one protective drop is needed between successive printing drops, the frequency of the drops can be reduced so that there are just over two times the clock frequency of the pulses. Obviously, the design of the control unit 13 changes accordingly. The print resolution resolution at output 40 of block 13 opens elements 6 and allows the output bits of registers 5 to be connected to switch 9. Registers 5 were preloaded with binary information defining the order of droplets on carrier 45. If the control input of switch 9 zero is supplied, then the output of the switch 9 to the corresponding charging electrode 2 is supplied with an appropriately amplified voltage Vg to charge the drop formed at that moment in order to divert it into the droplet separator 46. If When the switch 9 switches to a unit, the voltage generated by the generator 8 is applied to the charging electrodes at that time. (u, uj, b h, or us), which ensures that the drop formed at this moment is sufficient to deflect the drop to one of the currently printed positions. Registers 5 and generator 8 receive clock pulses from the output of amplifier 36 associated with a tachometer 12. When each such pulse is received, generator 8 switches to a different voltage level; and the registers 5 shift to the output bit of the new bit of information for supplying to the switch .9 through the elements 6 and then receiving the enable pulse from the output 40 of the control unit 13. Z four/ 9 S , rig.1 I rjJJl z; . " rs /four L jijij-ijijijn.ji-jajiJT l l l . Compiled by I.Shkradyuk Editor M.Tsitkina Tehred T. Dubinchak Proofreader E.Roshko Order 8552/63 Circulation 709 Subscription VNIIPI USSR State Committee for inventions and discoveries 113035, Moscow, Zh-35, Raushsk nab., 4/5 Branch PPP Patent, Uzhgorod, st. Project, 4 Ji l Jt
Claims (3) [1] 1. An INJECTIVE RECORDING DEVICE containing a printhead with an electromechanical exciter and charging electrodes, a carrier transport mechanism with a media presence sensor, shift registers, I elements, a crystal oscillator and a control unit, the output of the media presence sensor through an amplifier is connected to the first input of the control unit, information the inputs of the shift registers are information inputs of the device, the outputs of the shift registers are connected to the first inputs of AND elements, the second inputs of which are connected to the output the control unit, characterized in that, in order to improve the quality of registration by reducing errors in determining the moment of supply of the excitation signals of the charging electrodes, the device contains a step voltage generator ^ switches, a frequency divider ^ front detector and a tachometer associated with the carrier transport mechanism, output the tachometer through the amplifier is connected to the second input of the control unit, the input of the step voltage generator and the clock inputs of the shift registers ·, the outputs of the elements AND are connected to the control moves of the switches, the first information inputs of which are connected to the output of the step voltage generator, the second information inputs of the switches are connected to a constant voltage source, and their outputs are connected to the charging electrodes of the print head, the output of the quartz SB generator is connected to the input of the frequency divider directly and through the element NOT - to the first input of the front detector, to the fourth and fifth inputs of the control unit, the third input of which is connected to the output of the front detector, the output of the frequency divider through the amplifier key to entry electromechanical exciter printhead and directly - to the second input of the edge detector. [2] 2. The device according to claim 1, characterized in that the control unit contains four ZK-flip-flops, three elements NOT, two elements 2I, the element NAND, the first input of the element 4I-NOT connected to the direct output of the first IK trigger, the second input of the 4I-NOT element is the first input of the block, the third input of the 4I-NOT element is connected to the direct output of the fourth Jt trigger, the fourth input of the 4I-NOT element and the second inputs of the 2I elements are the third input of the block, the first input of the first 2I element is connected to 'to the output of the third CK trigger, the first input of the second element 2 en to the direct output of the second W-trigger, the inverse output of the third EK-trigger is connected to the first installation input of the fourth EK-trigger, the output of the 4I-NOT element through the first element is NOT connected to the K-input of the first JK trigger and to the C-input of the second EK-trigger, output the first element 2I is connected to the J-input of the first EC trigger and to the K-input of the third W-trigger, output, of the second JK-trigger is connected to the K-input of the second EK-trigger and to the E-input of the third JK-trigger, the clock inputs of the first ^ second and third EK-triggers are the fifth input of the block, the E-input of the fourth EK is the trigger is the second input of the block, the input of the second element is NOT the fourth input of the block, the output of the second element is NOT connected to the clock input of the fourth E-trigger, the second installation input of which is connected to the output of the third element NOT, the input of the third element is NOT and the K-input of the fourth E -trigger connected to the bus zero potential, the direct output of the second EC trigger is the output of the block. ♦ [3] 3. The device according to claim 1, wherein the front detector contains two B-triggers, element 2I and element NOT, sync inputs B-triggers are the first input of the detector, B-input of the first D-trigger is the second input of the detector, the direct output of the first B-trigger is connected to the B-input of the second B-trigger and to the first input of the 2nd element, the second input of the 2nd element is connected to the inverse output of the second J-trigger, the first installation inputs of the Triggers are combined, the output of the element is NOT connected to the second installation inputs of the J) triggers, the input of the element is NOT connected to the zero potential bus, the output of element 2I is the detector output.
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